Rezeptsammlung Drinks - Rezept-Nr. 452

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Bo's Bloody Mary Mix

( 4 Portionen )



2 Tassen  V-8# Gemüsesaft
1 Tasse  Tomatensaft
1/2 Tasse  Zitronensaft, frisch
2 Teel. Worcestershire Sauce
12 Tropfen  Hot Pepper Sauce
2 Teel. Geriebener Meerrettich
1/2 Teel. F.g. Schwarzpfeffer
    Grüner sellerie


Place all ingredients, except gin, limes and celery in a 1-quart glass jar with a tight lid and shake well to mix. Taste and adjust lemon juice and seasoning as desired. Store in refrigerator for up to a week.
To serve, fill an 8-ounce glass with ice cubes. Add 1 to ounces of gin and fill with mix. Stir to mix well. Garnish with lime wedges and/or celery stalks.
Serves 4.
NOTE: To keep drinks at full strength while keeping them cold, freeze tomato juice into cubes and use these in the bloody marys.
Recipe By :
,AT Hartmut W. Kuntze ,D 21.07.2001 ,NI ** ,NO Gepostet von:
Hartmut W. Kuntze ,NO EMail:
:Erfasser : TAMKAT
:Datum : 19.10.2004

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