Rezeptsammlung Suppen - Rezept-Nr. 1748

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( 4 Portionen )



1 Essl. Chives, fresh
1 Essl. Chervil, fresh
1 Essl. Parsley, fresh
1 Essl. Basil, fresh
1 Essl. Marjoram, fresh
1   Garlic clove
1   Pepper, bell
2   Tomato
    -- peeled & seeded
    Juice of one lemon
1   Onion, mild
    -- slice paperthin
1 Tasse  Cucumber
    -- diced
1/2 Tasse  Bread crumbs


4020000 g Olive oil
Chop the herbs and mash thoroughly with the garlic, pepper, and tomatös, adding the oil very slowly, and the lemon juice. Add about three glasses of cold water [I still say this is the *correct* liquid. But often I use good meat or fish stock.] or as much as you wish. Put in the onion and the cucumber, season, sprinkle with bread crumbs, and ice for at least four hours before serving.
How to Cook a Wolf M.F.K. Fisher
:Erfasser : TAMKAT
:Datum : 19.10.2004



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